Organic fertilizer is decomposed

Poultry manure that is not fully decomposed can be said to be hazardous fertilizer.

What can be done to turn poultry manure into good organic fertilizer?

1. In the process of composting, animal manure, through the action of microorganisms, turns the organic matter that is difficult to be used by fruit and vegetable crops into nutrients that can be easily absorbed by fruit and vegetable crops.

2. The high temperature of about 70°C produced during the composting process can kill most of the germs and eggs, basically achieving harmlessness.


The possible harm of incompletely decomposed organic fertilizer to fruits and vegetables:

1. Burning roots and seedlings

The incompletely decomposed and fermented livestock and poultry manure is applied to the fruit and vegetable garden. Due to incomplete fermentation, it cannot be directly absorbed and utilized by the roots of plants. When fermentation conditions are available, it will cause re-fermentation. The heat generated by fermentation will affect the growth of crops. It can cause root burning, seedling burning, and death of fruit and vegetable plants in severe cases.

2. Breeding pests and diseases

Stool contains bacteria and pests such as coliform bacteria, direct use will cause the spread of pests and diseases. When the organic matter of immature livestock and poultry manure is fermented in the soil, it is easy to breed bacteria and insect pests, leading to the occurrence of plant diseases and insect pests.

3. Produce poisonous gas and lack of oxygen

In the process of decomposing livestock and poultry manure, harmful gases such as methane and ammonia will be produced, which will cause acid damage to the soil and possibly cause plant root damage. At the same time, the decomposing process of livestock and poultry manure will also consume the oxygen in the soil, making the soil in an oxygen-deficient state, which will inhibit the growth of plants to a certain extent.


Completely fermented organic fertilizer for poultry and livestock manure is a good fertilizer with very rich nutrients and long-lasting fertilizer effect. It is very helpful to the growth of crops, to increase the production and income of crops, and to increase the income of farmers:

1. Organic fertilizer can quickly compensate for the large amounts of nutrients consumed by plant growth. Organic fertilizer contains nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and trace elements such as boron, zinc, iron, magnesium, and molybdenum, which can provide comprehensive nutrients for plants for a long time.

2. After the organic fertilizer is decomposed, it can improve the soil structure, adjust the soil quality, supplement the soil microorganisms, provide energy and nutrients for the soil, promote the reproduction of microorganisms, and accelerate the decomposition of organic matter, enrich the nutrients of the soil, and be beneficial to the healthy growth of plants.

3. After the organic fertilizer is decomposed, it can integrate the soil more tightly, enhance the soil’s fertility retention and fertilizer supply, and can improve the cold resistance, drought resistance and acid and alkali resistance of plants, and increase the flowering rate and fruit setting rate of fruits and vegetables in the coming year.


Disclaimer: Part of the data in this article is for reference only.

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Post time: Nov-03-2021