How to produce organic fertilizer that farmers need

Organic fertilizer is a fertilizer made from livestock and poultry manure through high-temperature fermentation, which is very effective for soil improvement and promotion of fertilizer absorption.

To produce organic fertilizer, it is best to first understand the characteristics of the soil in the area where it is sold, and then according to the soil conditions in the area and the nutritional needs of the applicable crops, scientifically mix the raw materials such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, trace elements, fungi, and organic matter to produce to meet the user And ensure the stickiness and reasonable profit of farmers.

For the nutrient requirements of the following cash crops: The data comes from the Internet for reference only

1. tomato:

      According to measurements, for every 1,000 kg of tomatoes produced, 7.8 kg of nitrogen, 1.3 kg of phosphorus, 15.9 kg of potassium, 2.1 kg of CaO, and 0.6 kg of MgO are required.

The order of absorption of each element is: potassium>nitrogen>calcium>phosphorus>magnesium.

Nitrogen fertilizer should be the mainstay in the seedling stage, and attention should be paid to applying phosphorus fertilizer to promote the expansion of leaf area and the differentiation of flower buds.

As a result, in the peak period, the amount of fertilizer absorption accounted for 50%-80% of the total absorption. On the basis of sufficient nitrogen and potassium supply, phosphorus nutrition must be increased, especially for protected cultivation, and more attention should be paid to the supply of nitrogen and potassium. At the same time, carbon dioxide gas fertilizer, calcium, magnesium, boron, sulfur, iron and other medium elements should be added. Combined application with trace element fertilizers can not only increase yield, but also improve its quality and increase commodity rate.

2. cucumbers:

According to measurements, every 1,000 kg of cucumbers need to absorb N1.9-2.7 kg and P2O50.8-0.9 kg from the soil. K2O3.5-4.0 kg. The absorption ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is 1:0.4:1.6. Cucumber needs the most potassium during the whole growth period, followed by nitrogen.

3. eggplants:

For every 1,000 kg of eggplant produced, the amount of absorbed elements is 2.7—3.3 kg of nitrogen, 0.7—0.8 kg of phosphorus, 4.7—5.1 kg of potassium, 1.2 kg of calcium oxide, and 0.5 kg of magnesium oxide. The appropriate fertilizer formula should be 15:10:20. .

4. celery:

The ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and celery in the whole growth period is roughly 9.1:1.3:5.0:7.0:1.0.

Generally, 1,000 kg of celery is produced, and the absorption of the three elements of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium is 2.0 kg, 0.93 kg, and 3.88 kg respectively.

5. spinach:


Spinach is a typical vegetable that likes nitrate nitrogen fertilizer. When the ratio of nitrate nitrogen to ammonium nitrogen is more than 2:1, the yield is higher. To produce 1,000 kg of spinach, it requires 1.6 kg of pure nitrogen, 0.83 kg of phosphorus pentoxide, and 1.8 of potassium oxide. kg.

6. melons:

Melon has a shorter growth period and requires less fertilizer. For every 1,000 kg of melon produced, approximately 3.5 kg of nitrogen, 1.72 kg of phosphorus and 6.88 kg of potassium are needed. Calculated according to the fertilizer utilization rate, the ratio of the three elements in the actual fertilization is 1:1:1.

7. peppers:


Pepper is a vegetable that requires a lot of fertilizer. It needs about 3.5-5.4 kg of nitrogen (N), 0.8-1.3 kg of phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5), and 5.5-7.2 kg of potassium oxide (K2O) for every 1,000 kg of production.

8. large ginger:

Every 1,000 kg of fresh ginger needs to absorb 6.34 kg of pure nitrogen, 1.6 kg of phosphorus pentoxide, and 9.27 kg of potassium oxide. The order of nutrient absorption is potassium>nitrogen>phosphorus. Fertilization principle: Reapply organic fertilizer as base fertilizer, combined with a certain amount of compound fertilizer, topdressing is mainly compound fertilizer, and the ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is reasonable.

9. cabbage:

     To produce 5000 kg of Chinese cabbage per mu, it needs to absorb 11 kg of pure nitrogen (N), 54.7 kg of pure phosphorus (P2O5), and 12.5 kg of pure potassium (K2O) from the soil. The ratio of the three is 1:0.4:1.1.

10. yam:


For every 1,000 kg of tubers, 4.32 kg of pure nitrogen, 1.07 kg of phosphorus pentoxide, and 5.38 kg of potassium oxide are required. The ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium required is 4:1:5.

11. potatoes:

 Potatoes are tuber crops. For every 1,000 kg of fresh potatoes, 4.4 kg of nitrogen, 1.8 kg of phosphorus, and 7.9 kg of potassium are required. They are typical potassium-loving crops. The effect of increasing crop yield is potassium>nitrogen>phosphorus, and the growth period of potatoes is short. The output is large and the demand for base fertilizer is large.

12. scallions:


The yield of green onions depends on the length and thickness of the pseudostems. Because green onions like fertilizer, on the basis of applying sufficient base fertilizer, top dressing is carried out according to the law of fertilizer demand in each growth period. Every 1,000 kg of green onion products absorb about 3.4 kg of nitrogen, 1.8 kg of phosphorus, and 6.0 kg of potassium, with a ratio of 1.9:1:3.3.

13. garlic:

Garlic is a kind of crop that loves potassium and sulfur. During the growth of garlic, the nutrient requirements of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are more nitrogen and potassium, but less phosphorus. For every 1,000 kilograms of garlic tubers, about 4.8 kilograms of nitrogen, 1.4 kilograms of phosphorus, 4.4 kilograms of potassium, and 0.8 kilograms of sulfur are needed.

14. leeks:

Leeks are very resistant to fertility, and the amount of fertilizer required varies with age. Generally, for every 1000kg of leeks, N1.5—1.8kg, P0.5—0.6kg, and K1.7—2.0kg are needed.

15. taro:


Among the three elements of fertilizer, potassium requires the most, followed by nitrogen fertilizer, and less phosphate fertilizer. Generally, the ratio of nitrogen: phosphorus: potassium in the cultivation of taro is 2:1:2.

16. carrots:


For every 1,000 kg of carrots, 2.4-4.3 kg of nitrogen, 0.7-1.7 kg of phosphorus and 5.7-11.7 kg of potassium are required.

17. radishes:


For every 1,000 kg of radish produced, it needs to absorb N2 1-3.1 kg, P2O5 0.8—1.9 kg, and K2O 3.8—5.6 kg from the soil. The ratio of the three is 1:0.2:1.8.

18. loofah:     

Loofah grows fast, has many fruits, and is fertile. It takes 1.9-2.7 kg of nitrogen, 0.8-0.9 kg of phosphorus, and 3.5-4.0 kg of potassium from the soil to produce 1,000 kg of loofah.

19. Kidney Beans:    


Nitrogen, kidney beans like nitrate nitrogen fertilizer. The more nitrogen is not the better. Appropriate application of nitrogen is beneficial to increase yield and improve quality. Too much application will cause flowering and delayed maturity, which will affect the yield and benefit of kidney beans. Phosphorus, phosphorus plays an important role in the formation and flowering and pod formation of kidney bean rhizobia.

Phosphorus deficiency tends to cause the growth and development of kidney bean plants and rhizobia, reducing the number of flowering pods, fewer pods and grains, and lower yields. Potassium, potassium can obviously affect the growth and development of kidney beans and the formation of yield. Insufficient supply of potassium fertilizer will reduce the production of kidney beans by more than 20%. In terms of production, the amount of nitrogen fertilizer should be more appropriate. Even if the amount of potassium is less, the symptoms of potassium deficiency will generally not appear.

Magnesium, kidney beans are prone to magnesium deficiency. If there is insufficient magnesium in the soil, starting from 1 month after sowing of kidney beans, first in the primary leaves, as the chlorosis starts between the veins of the first true leaf, it will gradually develop to the upper leaves, which lasts about 7 days. It starts to fall off and the yield decreases. Molybdenum, a trace element Molybdenum is an important component of nitrogenase and nitrate reductase. In physiological metabolism, it mainly participates in biological nitrogen fixation and promotes the nutrient metabolism of nitrogen and phosphorus in plants.

20. pumpkins:


Pumpkin’s nutrient absorption and absorption ratio are different in different growth and development stages. The production of 1000 kg of pumpkins needs to absorb 3.5-5.5 kg of nitrogen (N), 1.5-2.2 kg of phosphorus (P2O5), and 5.3-7.29 kg of potassium (K2O). Pumpkins respond well to organic fertilizers such as manure and compost

21. sweet potatoes: 


Sweet potato uses underground roots as an economic product. According to research, every 1,000 kg of fresh potatoes requires nitrogen (N) 4.9—5.0 kg, phosphorus (P2O5) 1.3—2.0 kg, and potassium (K2O) 10.5—12.0 kg. The ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium is about 1:0.3:2.1.

22. cotton:       


The normal growth and development of cotton goes through the seedling stage, bud stage, flower boll stage, boll spitting stage and other stages. Generally, 100 kg of lint produced per 667 square meters needs to absorb 7-8 kg of nitrogen, 4-6 kg of phosphorus, and 7-15 of potassium. kilogram;

200 kilograms of lint produced per 667 square meters needs to absorb 20-35 kilograms of nitrogen, 7-12 kilograms of phosphorus, and 25-35 kilograms of potassium.

23. Konjac:

Generally, 3000 kilograms of fertilizer per mu + 30 kilograms of high-potassium compound fertilizer.

24. Lily:


Apply decomposed organic fertilizer ≥ 1000 kg per 667 square meters per year.

25. Aconite: 

Using 13.04~15.13 kg of urea, 38.70~44.34 kg of superphosphate, 22.50~26.46 kg of potassium sulfate and 1900~2200 kg of decomposed farm manure per mu, there is a 95% certainty that a yield of more than 550 kg/mu can be obtained.

26. Bellflower:

Apply decomposed organic fertilizer ≥ 15 tons/ha.

27. Ophiopogon: 

The amount of organic fertilizer: 60 000~75 000 kg/ha, the organic fertilizer must be fully decomposed.

28. meters jujube: 

Generally, for every 100 kg of fresh dates, 1.5 kg of nitrogen, 1.0 kg of phosphorus and 1.3 kg of potassium are required. A jujube orchard with a yield of 2500 kg per mu requires 37.5 kg of nitrogen, 25 kg of phosphorus and 32.5 kg of potassium.

29. Ophiopogon japonicus: 

1. The base fertilizer is 40-50 kg per mu of compound fertilizer with more than 35% nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

2. Apply high-nitrogen, low-phosphorus and potassium (chlorine-containing) compound fertilizer for top dressing for Ophiopogon japonicus seedlings.

3. Applying potassium sulfate compound fertilizer with a ratio of N, P, and K 15-15-15 for the second top dressing is 40-50 kg per mu,

Add 10 kilograms of monoammonium and potash fertilizers per mu, and mix the monoammonium and potash fertilizers with micro-fertilizers (potassium dihydrogen phosphate, boron fertilizer) evenly.

4. Apply low nitrogen, high phosphorus and high potassium potassium sulfate compound fertilizer three times for top dressing, 40-50 kg per mu, and add 15 kg of pure potassium sulfate.

30. Rape:

For every 100KG of rapeseed, it needs to absorb 8.8~11.3KG of nitrogen. Phosphorus 3~3 to produce 100KG of rapeseed needs to absorb 8.8~11.3KG of nitrogen, 3~3KG of phosphorus, and 8.5~10.1KG of potassium. The ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is 1:0.3: 1

— Data and pictures come from the Internet —



Post time: Apr-27-2021